Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bishop Benson Andrew Idahosa (1938 to 1998)

Founder of Church of God Mission International Inc. Nigeria

His Early Christian Ministry Testimony

"As a young Christian, I once heard my pastor say during a morning service that Christians could raise the dead in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believed it with all my heart. And flying around on my bicycle in those days, I went through the city of Benin in search of a dead person to raise to life. After about five hours of hard searching I found a compound where a little girl had died a few hours before. The corpse had been cleaned and prepared for burial. I walked boldly up to the father of the dead child. "The God whom I serve can bring your baby back to life," I told him. "Will you permit me to pray for the child and bring her back to life?" The man was startled, but he agreed. With great enthusiasm, I walked into the room and up to the bed. The child was cold and dead. With strong faith in the Lord, I called on the Lord to restore the child back to life. I turned to the corpse and called it by name, "Arise in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Oh Glory to God! The corpse sneezed, heavily, alas. The child had come back to life! " (Benson Idahosa)

Attacker Shoots Two Pastors and Wife; One Pastor Killed

On April 15,Pastor Vic Vicera, his wife, Beth, and Pastor Noli Saturnino were shot at when an unknown assailant stormed Pastor Vic’s home in Mindanao, Philippines, and started shooting. Pastor Vic was killed in the attack. According to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts, "Pastor Vic and his wife, Beth, and Pastor Noli were having a conversation early that evening. They were talking about their plans to minister in a Muslim tribal area, when suddenly the killer came in and started firing at them." VOM contacts added, "Pastor Vic got four gunshots, two at the upper part of the knees that went through his navel and two shots to the lower part of his knees, the bullets remained in his stomach. Beth, his wife, got two gunshots, one in her palm and one in her leg. Pastor Noli got one shot in his leg; the bullet went through his leg." Pastor Vic was killed, and Beth and Pastor Noli are being treated by doctors. Even though VOM contacts could not confirm the reason for the attack, they reported that Pastor Vic lived among Muslims who wanted him to join Islam, but he refused. Pray for believers in the Philippines who face persecution because of their faith. Pray especially for the family and congregation of Pastor Vic, who have lost a father and pastor. Ask God to heal Pastor Vic’s wife, Beth, and Pastor Noli. Pray the testimonies of these faithful believers will draw their persecutors into fellowship with Christ.

Psalm 107:35, Psalm 23

Unamfahamu "Njia Nyembamba"?

Nikiwa katika kuwatembelea wanasayuni waliohitaji huduma ya maombezi na ushauri wa kiroho kutoka katika mlima huu wa Mungu maeneo ya posta mpya,nikasikia sauti kama ya mtu aliyae nyikani.Mahubiri yake yalikuwa yamejaa nguvu ya Mungu na neema ya YESU KRISTO ya ajabu akiwasihi watu wote wenye kusumbuka na mateso waje kwa YESU ili awape pumziko. (Mathayo 11:28).Ndipo nilipoamua kusimamisha gari na kujisogeza karibu yake, alipomaliza kuhubiri nikamwendea kwa karibu na kumsalimia kasha nikajitambulisha kwake na kutaka kujua mawili matatu kutoka kwake.

Wengi tummzoea kwa jina la “Njia Nyembamba”.Amekuwa akihubiri maeneo ya posta mpya, mnazi mmoja na kwenye mikusanyiko ya watu kwa miaka mingi sasa.Nakumbuka nimeanza kumwona akihubiri miaka ile ya mwishoni mwa themanini huku akiwa anatembea kwenye kamba yake aliyoifunga kwenye miti iliyo na umbali wa kama mita 8 au 12 hivi na urefu wa kama futi 10 hadi 14 hivi huku akiwaambia watu wamfuate YESU kwani yeye ndio njia,kweli na uzima na kuwa njia ya kwenda mbinguni ni nyembamba na imesonga sana.Mazungumzo yetu yalikuwa kama ifuatavyo:-

Mtade: Bwana asifiwe Mwinjilisti Njia Nyembamba..!
Njia Nyembamba: Amen mpendwa..karibu sana.
Mtade: Ahsante sana mtumishi.
Njia Nyembamba: Ndio kijana, karibu sana ..(akiwa anajifuta jasho na leso yake huku akinitazama usoni)
Mtade: Mimi naitwa ndugu Mtade,kutoka mlima wa sayuni,nimevutiwa sana na mahubiri yako na ningependa kuongea na wewe mawili matatu ili kukufahamu zaidi
Njia Nyembamba:Oohh…karibu sana ila sijajua vizuri kama mlima Sayuni ni nini hasa?
Mtade: Ndio mwinjilisti, mlima sayuni ni mtandao wa computer ulioenea dunia nzima unaowaunganisha wakristo wote wanaoliitia jina la Bwana ili kufundishana,kupashana habari,kurekebishana,kutiana moyo, kushuhudiana, kumtukuza Mungu na kuifanya kazi ya Mungu kwa pamoja kupitia mtandao wa computer, kuombeana mahitaji mbalimbali na mengine yanayofanana na hayo.
Njia Nyembamba:Ooh ..that is wonderful,nimefurahi sana kukutana na wewe ndugu Mtade.Mimi jina langu halisi ni Mch.Lucas Paulo Nchimbi ila wengi wananifahamu kwa jina la Njia Nyembamba.
Mtade:Nashukuru kujua hilo Mch.Lucas…sijui umeanza huduma hii ya kuwaleta watu kwa YESU lini..?
Njia Nyembamba: Mimi nimeokoka mwaka 1980 pale kanisani TAG Temeke(kwa sasa ni eagt temeke) kwa Mch. Masalu.Na mwaka 1988 mwezi wa 9 nilianza kazi ya kuhubiri injili.
Mtade: Unaweza kutuelezea maisha yako kabla ya kazi hii ya kuhubiri injili.
Njia Nyembamba: Kwanza mimi ni mwanajeshi mstaafu wa jeshi la wananchi wa Tanzania.Nimetumikia jeshi kuanzia mwaka 1970 hadi mwaka 1987 mwezi april nikastaafu ili kumtumikia Mungu.
Mtade: Nini kilitokea hadi ukaokoka?
Njia Nyembamba: Ndg Mtade..kuna dada mmoja alikuwa ameokoka alikuwa anasali kanisani pale temeke miaka ile na alinikaribisha jumapili moja.Nilisali mahali pale na usiku ulipofika wakati nimelala nyumbani kwangu niliona mbingu zimefunguka na mwanga mkali mweupe ukanimulika na nikasikia sauti ikiniambia niokoke na nibaki mahali pale kanisani.Kwa asili mimi nilikuwa mkristo wa dhehebu la katholiki lakini ile sauti ilijaa utisho wa ajabu.Hivyo tangu siku ile nikaokoka na kuamua kusali pale temeke.
Mtade: Kwa hivi sasa unasali kanisa gani …bado upo pale?
Njia Nyembamba: Hapana, pale niliwekewa mikono rasmi na wachungaji ya utumishi hivyo nikaamua kuingia shambani na kuanza kuwahubiria watu.Kwa sasa nimeanzisha huduma inayoitwa Kanisa la Yesu ulimwenguni la njia Nyembamba ambalo lipo huko kigamboni ambayo ndio base station yangu.Mwaka 1988 nilianzia pale Shauri moyo ambapo baadaye alikuwa Mtume Maboya kwani kuna mama mmoja nilikuwa naye pale, alinikuta lakini baadaye akafanya hila akanipindua na kulipeleka kanisa kwa Mtume Maboya.
Kwa wakati huo nilikuwa na washirika wapatao 160 ambapo kati yao watoto walikuwa 100 na watu wazima walikuwa 60.
Pia kipindi hicho nilikuwa na matawi mengine mawili maeneo ya buguruni shule na kidongo chekundu kuanzia mwaka 1988 hadi 1994.Lakini nako pia mambo yakawa yaleyale,kwani nilinyang’anywa makanisa yote hayo.
Baada ya muda Mungu amenipatia eneo jingine kigamboni na hapo nimeanza na washirika watoto wadogo 10 na watu wazima 6.
Mtade: Aisee ni historia nzuri ya kusikitisha na kufariji pia.Mch.Lucas umeo au unao watoto?
Njia Nyembamba: Hapana, sijaoa hadi sasa na wala sina motto.
Mtade:Nini maono ya huduma yako kwa siku za baadaye?
Njia Nyembamba: Kwa kweli pamoja na huduma hii ya uinjilisti na uchungaji pia natumika kwa roho ya unabii.Nakumbuka kipindi kile kabla Rais Kabila wa kongo (Iliyokuwa Zaire) hajauwawa Mungu alinionyesha mambo yatakayoipata nchi hiyo na kwa kulithibitisha hili kuna nabii mwingine anaitwa Rafael Simbamanga naye alionyeshwa the same,Mungu akatuambia twende DRC kuongea na Rais Kabila na kumpelekea ujumbe wa Mungu.Lakini tulikutana na upinzani pale ubalozini kwani walitunyima visa.Hivyo tulishindwa kwenda na matokeo yake DRC vita kali ililipuka na Rais Kabila akauwawa na….(Nikamkatisha)
Mtade: Nazani huo ushuhuda kuna siku nitakuja tena unielezee kwa kirefu ila kwa sasa naomba kujua nini maono ya huduma yako hii ya sasa.
Njia Nyembamba: Ahh..kwa kweli ndg.Mtade maono ya huduma yetu kwa sasa ni kuwa tunataka kuanzisha kituo cha kulelea vichaa na watoto wanoishi katika mazingira magumu.Mungu amenipa huo mzigo wa kutaka kuwakusanya hawa vichaa wote walioko mjini na kuwatunza pale kwenye kituo chetu kigamboni.Maana nao ni watu na wanastahili elimu bora,chakula bora,malazi bora na matibabu ili wapone warudi katika hali zao za kawaida kama watu wengine.Kuna kipindi niliwahi kumwombea kichaa mmoja mwenye uhusiano na waziri mmoja wa serikali ya sasa.Na Mungu aliponya siku hiyo.Ngoja nikuonyeshe picha za tukio hilo (anatoa picha nyingi za kijana huyo aliyekuwa kichaa na jinsi alivyomwombea na kuponywa).Kwa hiyo kama nilivyosema tunataka pamoja na kuwahubiria watu tuwe tunawapa na huduma hawa ndugu zetu vichaa na watoto wanaoishi katika mazingira magumu.Tatizo kubwa linalotukamisha ni pesa.Hatuna funds za kutosha kutimiza malengo yetu mengi mazuri tuliyojiwekea.Ningependa kuchukua fursa hii kukuomba ndg Mtade kama kuna watu unawafahamu wanaoweza kutusaidia kifedha itakuwa jambo jema sana.
Mtade: Usijali mtumishi wa Mungu..sisi wanasayuni tutakutangaza duniani kote maana ndio wajibu wetu na Mungu kwa wakati wake atatenda kitu.
Njia Nyembamba: Asante sana san asana kwa hilo mtumishi wa Mungu.
Mtade: Asante nawe pia…naomba nikuage then nitakutafuta week ijayo kwa mazungumzo zaidi.Mungu akubariki sana.
Kwa atakaye penda kuwasiliana au kwa maelezo zaidi kuhusu Mch. Lucas Paulo Nchimbi (Njia Nyembamba) anaweza kuwasiliana na sayuni.

Mungu awabariki sana.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thousands Attend Easter Ritual at Holy Shrine in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (AP) - Thousands of worshippers crowded Christianity's holiest shrine to celebrate the Easter Week holy fire ritual, police said.

Orthodox Christian pilgrims crowd as they carry crosses into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, believed by many to be the site of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, during the Holy Friday procession in Jerusalem's Old City, Friday, April 25, 2008. Orthodox Christians are marking the solemn period of Easter.

Hundreds of police were deployed in and around the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Saturday to control an estimated 10,000 pilgrims.
Greek Orthodox, Armenians and other Eastern rite Christians mark Easter on Sunday, several weeks after observances by other Christian denominations. The two groups adhere to different calendars.
On the day before Easter, Eastern rite churches mark the holy fire ritual.
Christians believe Jesus was crucified and buried where the church now stands. The ritual is in honor of the belief that a holy fire appears spontaneously from Jesus' tomb as a message that he has not forgotten his followers.

Maombi na maombezi kutoka sayuni

Bwana YESU KRISTO asifiwe sana....

Kwa kuwa watu wengi wamekuwa wakinitumia maombi yao mengi kupitia mlima huu wa sayuni,ningependa kuwafahamisha kuwa muwe mnatutumia na namba zenu za simu katika email zenu ili kurahisisha mawasiliano.
Wengi wamekuwa wakipokea majibu yao mbalimbali kutokea mlima huu wa sayuni.Maana YESU KRSITO ni yeye yule jana,leo na hata milele."Waebrania 13:8".
Kumbuka kuwa unapotendewa muujiza wowote utukufu na sifa zote mpe MUNGU wa mbinguni,maana ni yeye anayestahili na sisi ni watumwa wake tu.Pia wakati unatuletea shuhuda zako naomba utueleze wazi kama ungependa tuweke ushuhuda wako hapa wazi ili wengine wajengeke.Kumbuka kuwa maombi haya ni siri kati mwanasayuni mwombaji na wewe mwenye shida,hivyo usisite kutueleza shida yako kwa kinagaubaga ili tuweze kukuombea kwa bidii mbele za Mungu wetu na utapokea majibu yako kama wengine wengi.

1Wakorintho 4:1-2 "Basi, mtu na atuhesabu sisi kuwa watumishi wa Kristo na mawakili wa siri za Mungu."

Angalia maelezo na email zetu hapo pembeni kulia kwa maelezo zaidi.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ex-Obama Pastor says He's Descriptive, Not Divisive

The former pastor of Barack Obama whose words have rallied many but offended others told an audience of 10,000 that his critics get it wrong when they call him divisive and polarizing.
"I describe the conditions in this country," the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. said during the NAACP's 53rd annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner.
"I'm not here for political reasons. I'm not a politician. I know that fact will surprise many of you because many in the corporate-owned media made it seem like I am running for the Oval Office," Wright said. "I am not running for the Oval Office. I've been running for Jesus a long, long time and I'm not tired yet."
Receiving a lengthy and loud standing ovation, Wright followed in the footsteps of Obama, President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton in his speech at the event, a $150-a-plate fundraiser billed as the largest sit-down dinner in America.
Obama, who is vying with Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, distanced himself from Wright after publicity over the minister's sharp criticism of America's racial history and government policies.
The Rev. Wendell Anthony, president of the Detroit branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, stirred the crowd with an animated introduction to Wright. He let the audience know, among other things, that Wright speaks five languages and is an Egyptologist, writer, author, family man and "innovator and sustainer of the word of God."
Anthony said at a press conference before the dinner that he was excited to invite the "hottest brother in America right now — outside of Barack Obama."
Wright, who is retiring as pastor of the 8,000-member Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, followed the dinner's theme, "A Change is Gonna Come."
He drew numerous contrasts between racial and ethnic groups in language, music and other aspects of American culture. He danced, beat-boxed and even sang an aria from the podium to make his points in the massive exhibition hall, which served as an impromptu pulpit.
"In the past, we were taught to see others who are different as somehow being deficient," Wright said. "I believe that a change is going to come because many of us are committed to changing how we see other people who are different."
He also responded to Republican Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, who had called Wright "divisive" during an April 18 forum.
"I am not one of the most divisive" black spiritual leaders, he said. "Tell him the word is `descriptive.'"
Wright became an issue in the presidential race in March after the circulation of videos of old sermons in which he accused the U.S. government of racism and accused it of flooding black neighborhoods with drugs.
In a sermon days after the Sept. 11 attacks, Wright said "America's chickens are coming home to roost" after the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan and "supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans."
The videos, circulated widely on television and the Internet, knocked Obama's presidential campaign off-stride. The Illinois Democrat distanced himself from the comments of Wright, whom he has known for 20 years.
In an interview aired Friday on PBS, Wright said publicizing portions of old sermons was unfair and "made me the target of hatred."
Wright was scheduled to speak Monday at the National Press Club in Washington.

Huyu ndio Mary Damian

Anaitwa Mary Damiani,ameokoka na anampenda YESU.
mtembelee katika blogu yake ya na utakutana na mambo ya kukujenga na kukubariki moyo.Mary ni mmoja wa wasomaji wakubwa wa mlima sayuni.Mungu akubariki dada.

Maombi/Msaada wa Kiroho/Ushauri

Nimekuwa nikipokea email nyingi na text msg nyingi kutoka kwa watu mbalimbali duniani wanahitaji msaada wa kiroho na maombi kutoka mlima sayuni.
Napenda kuwajulisha wapendwa wote ulimwenguni kuwa watumishi wote waliopo hapa sayuni wamejitolea kukuombea wewe pale unapowaandikia au kuwatext shida yako.Watakuombea bure kabisa bila kukudai kitu chochote.Gharama pekee unayotakiwa kuilipa ni imani yako wewe binafsi kwa YESU KRISTO wa Nazareth.Wengi wamekuwa wakinijulisha kupokea majibu yao kupitia mtandao huu.Bahati nzuri shuhuda nyingi ninazopokea ni za mambo ambayo si hekima kuyaweka hapa kwani yanahusisha mambo nyeti sana ya mtu.Lakini katika yote ijulikane kuwa KRISTO YESU anatukuzwa.Usisite kuwaandikia watumishi wa mlima huu wa sayuni nao wapo tayari kupanda juu ya mlima na kumsihi Bwana kwa ajili yako.Unapojibiwa usisite kutujulisha ili tumshukuru Mungu pamoja na wewe kama utaturuhusu tutaweka hapa ushuhuda wako ili uwajenge na wengine.

Hebu tujikumbushe lile tangazo letu hapa chini.

Unahitaji msaada wa kiroho?Unahitaji maombi?Unatatizo lolote linalokusumbua katika maisha na unahitaji ushauri wa kiroho na maombi?

Tafadhali piga simu au ujumbe mfupi wa simu au tuma email kwa watumishi wa Mungu wafuatao:-
1.Kwa walio Arusha na Moshi na mikoa yote ya kaskazini
Simu +255 784 24 28 25 , Email:
2.Kwa walio Canada, North America na CarebeanEmail:
3.Kwa walio Sweden,Norway,Denmark na Ulaya kwa ujumlaEmail:
4.Kwa walio Dar es Salaam na Tanzania kwa ujumla,Africa yote,Asia na kwingineko duniani. Simu +255 713 28 05 96 (sms only) ,Email:
Kumbuka kuwa mazungumzo yoyote kati ya watumishi hawa na wewe yatabakia kuwa siri.

Mbaroni kwa kumbaka mke wa mchungaji

JESHI la polisi mkoani Shinyanga, linawashikilia watu wanne kwa tuhuma za kumbaka makaburini mke wa mchungaji wa kanisa moja la kikristo wilayani Bukombe, Mkoa Shinyanga.
Kamanda wa Jeshi la Polisi mkoani Shinyanga, Shaibu Ibrahim, alisema tukio hilo limetokea Aprili 21 mwaka huu majira ya saa nane usiku katika pori la makaburi, umbali wa kilomita 2 kutoka katika makazi yake yaliyopo majengo mapya, Kata ya
ushirombo wilayani humo.
Alisema siku hiyo ya tukio, watu hao walivamia nyumba ya mchungaji aliyefahamika kwa jina moja tu la Siafrika, wa Kanisa la Evangelism Living, ambaye
hakuwepo siku hiyo baada ya kuvunja mlango wa nyumba yake kwa fatuma na kumkuta mke wake mwenye umri wa miaka 35.
''Baada ya kuingia ndani watu hao walidai wapatiwe fedha na mwanamke huyo aliwapatia Shs10,000 hata hivyo, walimchukua na kumpeleka katika pori la makaburini umbali wa kilomita 2 kutoka nyumbani kwake na kuanza kumbaka kwa zamu,''alisema kamanda Ibrahim.
Aliwataja watu wanaoshikiliwa na jeshi hilo kuwa wote ni wakazi wa Kilimahewa mjini Ushirombo na wanatarajiwa kufikishwa mahakamani pindi upelelezi dhidi yao utakapokamilika.
Katika tukio jingine, watu wanaodhaniwa kuwa ni sungusungu wa kijiji cha Bugege
wilayani Bukombe, wazichoma moto nyumba nne za wanakijiji wenzao, wakiwatuhumu
kujihusisha na vitendo vya ujambazi.
Kamanda wa polisi mkoani Shinyanga, brahim, alisema tukio hilo limetokea Aprili 21, mwaka huu majira ya saa 6 usiku.
Aliwataja waliochomewa nyumba zao kuwa ni pamoja na Fredrick Mageni, Mlondela
Lusiba, Masumbuko Michael na Timotheo Joseph, wote wakazi wa kijiji cha
Kamanda Ibrahim aliongeza kwa kusema kuwa sungusungu hao walichukua uamuzi huo baada ya watuhumiwa hao kukamatwa na kufikishwa mahakamani kwa kosa la kuvunja nyumba ya mwanakijiji mwenzao, Method Tulinge, siku za nyuma na mlalamikaji hakufika mahakamani kutoa ushahidi, jambo lililowawanya waachiwe huru kitendo kilichowachukiza wananchi hao na kuamua kuzichoma moto nyumba zao.
Hata hivyo, Kamanda huyo alisema wakati wa tukio hilo watu hao hawakuwemo ndani ya nyumba hizo na hasara kamili ya mali zilizoteketea, bado haijajulikana.
Source: Mwananchi

Kijana akamatwa na kichwa cha mtoto akifyonza damu

Ramadhani Musa (18) anayedaiwa kuingia Dar es Salaam juzi akitokea Mtwara, amenaswa akiwa na kichwa cha mtoto mdogo. Mtuhumiwa alikamatwa na walinzi wa Chuo Kikuu cha Afya Muhimbili (MUHAS) jijini Dar es Salaam jana asubuhi akijaribu kukipitisha kwa staili. Akiwa na kifurushi aliwahadaa walinzi kuwa anakwenda kumuona shangazi yake, hata hivyo walimshtukia baada ya kuona damu zimetapakaa mdomoni. Walipokagua kifurushi walikuta kichwa cha mtoto wa kike aliyekuwa amesukwa mtindo wa `twende kilioni` kikichuruizika damu. ``Kijana huyo alikichukua mbele ya walinzi hao na kuanza kufyonza damu na kujilamba midomo, `` alidai mlinzi na kuongeza kuwa aliwauliza kwa ujasiri mnashangaa nini? ``Kwetu ni kitu cha kawaida kula nyama za watu.`` Ofisa Upelelezi wa Mkoa wa Ilala wa Bw. Charles Chambo, alithibitisha kutokea kwa mkasa huo na kueleza kuwa kichwa hicho ni cha Salome Yohana (3). Kwa mujibu wa mama Salome, Bi. Pendo Dutsan, binti yake alitoweka juzi usiku nyumbani kwa shangazi yake anayeishi Segerea na kwamba kabla ya kuishia alikuwa akicheza nje ya nyumba yao. Waligundua kuwa hayupo wakati wa chakula cha jioni na kuanza kumtafuta lakini bila ya mafanikio hadi jana asubuhi, mgeni wa jirani yao aliyetajwa kwa jina la Lucas Kibaya, alipogundua kiwiliwili chake chooni. Alidai Kibaya aliingia chooni na kukuta tofali limefunika tundu na alipoliondoa aliona kanga iliyokuwa na damu na kugundua kiwiliwili cha mtoto kilichonasa kwenye tundu hilo. Baada ya kutoa taarifa, polisi wa kituo cha Stakishari Ukonga walifika na kuopoa kiwiliwili hicho na kutafuta gari ili kunyonya uchafu ili kutafuta kichwa ambacho kilikuwa hakionekani. ``Wakati tunaendelea kukisaka kichwa polisi walitueleza kuwa walipokea taarifa za kukamatwa kwa Musa akiwa na kichwa Muhimbili,`` alisema mwanamke huyo akilia kwa uchungu. Aliongeza kuwa polisi walikichukua kiwiliwili pamoja kuwakamata watuhumiwa ambapo mwili huo ulikuwa chooni kwao hadi kituo cha Stakishari. Baada ya taarifa za kupatikana kichwa hicho, watuhumiwa ambao kiwiliwili kilikuwa nyumbani kwao walipelekwa Muhimbili hospitali walikoonyeshwa kichwa pamoja na `miliki.` Watuhumiwa hao Kibaya na mkewe Hadija Ali walimtambua kijana wao na kueleza kuwa alikuja Dar es Salaam Ijumaa, siku moja kabla ya tukio, akitokea Mtwara. Hadija alidai walitengana na mzazi mwenzake (baba wa mtoto huyo) kwa miaka mingi na muda wote alikuwa akiishi Mtwara. Alisema Ramadhan alitoweka juzi jioni na alipigwa na butwaa baada ya kuona kuwa aliyekamatwa na kichwa cha Salome ni mwanae. Mhudumu wa chumba cha maiti Muhimbili Bw. Mizome Gogo, alisema kichwa hicho kilifikishwa jana asubuhi na polisi na muda mfupi baadaye askari wa Stakishari waliwaletea kiwiliwili.
SOURCE: Nipashe

Friday, April 25, 2008

You Are His Proof!

The Apostle Paul was a great witness for the Lord, & almost every single time that he was brought before kings & judges, he invariably started his witness with his own personal testimony: "This is what happened to me!" (See Acts 26.)People are interested in people! Life stories are more effective in witnessing than getting into theological arguments & preaching sermons. When you start telling people your life story, "This is what happened to me & this is my testimony!" instantly you have their attention, they're fascinated. When you tell them your own personal experience, if you say it with sincerity in the power of the Spirit, they will believe that you're telling the truth!--Your testimony is one thing they cannot deny! And the moment they confess that it's happened to you, then they can confess that it's possible for it to happen to them! Win them to yourself & your own happiness first, then they will want what makes you that way!You're the proof of the pudding! You are the product of the Gospel & the Love of Jesus!--So tell others of how His miracle-working power has worked in your own life, as a genuine living sample & proof of what He can do!
God Bless you Sayuni blog visitors, let's get into work for Christ.
I pray that He will fill you all with The Power for His purpose.

The Gospel for Muslims

Dear Muslim,
Assalamu alaikum

The Gospel of Jesus is Good News. That is what "gospel" means in Greek. It is the good news because Jesus has removed the requirements of keeping the Law in order to obtain salvation and that through Jesus, we can obtain eternal life. Jesus made it possible for people to receive the free and complete gift of salvation by faith. Our father Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6). It was his faith in God that made Abraham righteous before God, not keeping the law, not keeping the commandments. The Law of God is perfect because God is perfect. The Law is a reflection of the character of God. It is wrong to lie because lying is against God's character. It is wrong to steal because stealing is against God's character. That is why the Law tells us what is wrong. God is not arbitrary and neither is His Law. Though the Law is good and perfect, no man can keep it perfectly. No person can keep the Law. Jesus taught us that to even look on a woman with lust in your heart is to commit adultery with her (Matt 5:27-28). You see, the Law of God is not simply to govern actions. It is for our hearts and attitudes. Purity of heart is what God wants from us. Purity of heart down to the deepest part of our being. Why? Because God's heart is the Purest and Most Holy of all. And since the Law was spoken by Him and came from Him, the Law is Perfect and Holy. That is the level of perfection you must have when trying to keep the Law. However, we are not able to keep the Law. We sin. We fail. The Law says do not lie, but shows us where we lie -- in our very hearts. It says do not commit adultery, but shows us where we commit adultery -- in our hearts. The Law of God is perfect. We are not. God is perfect and Holy. We are not. We are not able to keep the Law of God because we are finite, limited, and affected by sin. How can anyone ever hope to please God through keeping the Law? How can anyone ever hope to please God and attain heaven by doing good deeds? It is not ourselves that we must please, but a Holy and Pure God.
The Good News
The Good News is that you do not have to try and keep the Law of God to please Him. You do not have to try and raise yourself to the level of God's Perfection by trying to keep His Holy and Perfect Law. You cannot do that. If you thought you could, then your heart is full of pride. What you can not do, Jesus did do. He kept all the Law perfectly (John 15:13). Jesus laid his life down for his friends. Jesus performed the greatest act of love in the universe. He died for our sins. He paid the penalty of breaking the Law, which is death. If this were not so, there would be no damnation. Jesus took our sins and died on the cross in our place (I Pet 2;24). This great act of love is unsurpassed in all the world. It means that you can, like Abraham (Gen. 15:6), be righteous by faith. All you need is faith in Jesus. Are you tired of trying to keep all the Laws in Islam as you strive to do more good deeds than bad deeds in the hope that on the Day of Judgment your good deeds will outweigh your bad? Because you earn in large part your salvation, you cannot know whether or not you will be saved. If you are tired of trying to be perfect, of trying to obtain Paradise through your works, then you need Jesus. Jesus said, "If any of you are heavy laden, come to me, and I will give you rest," (Matt. 11:28). Jesus forgave sins in Luke 5:20 and 7:48-49. He walked on water (Matt. 14:25). He rose from the dead (Matt. 28:6). Have you done more than He in keeping the Law or performing miracles? Has even the Prophet Muhammad done more than Jesus? The Good News is that you, like Abraham, can be made righteous by faith. Do you want the righteousness that is by faith? Or, do you want to earn Paradise through your deeds? Can you earn it? Have you done it so far? Have you been doing enough?
Jesus said:
that He gives eternal life, (John 10:28-30).
that He received all authority in heaven and earth, (Matt. 28:18).
that He is the Way the Truth and The Life, (John 14:6).
that He will resurrect people on the Last Day, (John 6:40, 44, 54).
that the Holy Spirit bears witness of Him, (John 15:26).
Do you want to try and please God through keeping the Law of Allah or by the grace of Christ? Is the greatest act of love to ask you to earn heaven through good deeds or is it to be a sacrifice in order to give to you what you cannot attain yourself? In which is the greatest act of love? If you want the eternal life that Jesus can give you, then trust what He did on the cross and do not rely on your own works to please God. Trust Jesus by faith. It is not Muhammad who forgives sins. Jesus does that (Luke 5:20; 7:48-49). Jesus said, "Believe in God. Believe also in me," (John 14:1). Like Abraham, be righteous in God's eyes . . by faith.

Till next week then, be blessed by the name of Jesus our Lord and saviour.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nigerian Pentecostalism Thriving on Miracles, Prosperity Promises

Millions are flooding to join Pentecostal churches in Africa where vows of miraculous healing and promises of pending fortunes attract the overwhelming population of sick and poor on the continent.
Thousands of worshippers participate in the Holy Ghost festival night revivals at the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Lagos, Nigeria, Feb. 3, 2006.
In particular, the West African nation of Nigeria is experiencing the fastest growth in Christianity in Africa with Pentecostal churches playing a large role in this development.
Nigeria is said to have the world’s third largest population of Pentecostals with 3.9 million members, following Brazil with 24 million and the United States with about 6 million adherents, according to the World Christian database.
But what makes Nigeria as well as other African nations unique is their heavy emphasis – moreso than Pentecostalism in the West – on miracles, which incorporate traditional African beliefs, and material blessings.
“There are so many people who could have had bigger and better lives, but they could not achieve their destiny, because there was no one to lead them with a vision,” said Ejiah Ndifon, a Nigerian self-declared prophet, according to Germany’s media outlet Deutsche Welle on Friday.
Ndifon was formerly an engineer before founding the Pentecostal church the Royal Kingdom Citizen International based on promises of cures from poverty and disease.
“Royal Kingdom Citizen offers this guidance, and brings people together with God,” he said.
African Pentecostal followers believe the Holy Spirit changes lives so that sickness and calamity only befall on non-believers.
“Old superstitions, which were marginalized by more mainstream Christian missionaries, have come around full circle,” said Erhard Kamphausen, head of the academy of missions at the University of Hamburg, according to the Deutsche Welle. “Africans believe in miracles and witchcraft.”
In addition, Pentecostal preachers and churches have come under criticism for emphasizing that adherents must donate to secure their good fortune.
Ayimah Hondeh, a member of Redeemed Christian Church of God in Lagos, said her pastor told members that God’s blessing is not guaranteed year to year and followers must pray twice as hard and double donations to the church.
“I quadrupled my contribution to the collection plate every Sunday,” said Hondeh.
Yet the Pentecostal message is not welcomed by all Christian leaders in Africa.
The Rev. Dr. Nyansako-ni-Nku, president of the All Africa Conference of Churches, has strongly cautioned people to beware of churches that exploit people in the name of the Gospel.
The African church head urged mainline churches to “rescue” people who are being lured by controversial African Pentecostal churches, which he described as a "disease."
The AACC is a fellowship of 169 churches and Christian councils spanning 39 African countries.
All over Africa, there is a surge of "one disease called Pentecostalism," he said, according to AACC. Nyansako repeatedly noted the rapid growth of the Pentecostal church and for mainline churches to protect vulnerable people that are being exploited by Pentecostal prosperity churches.
He urged member churches to undergo a thorough social audit to give them credibility to speak against church corruption.
"This means the Church must take its mandate very seriously as we are the mantle of the continent of Africa and if we let the continent down, it would be a disaster for everybody," Nyansako said regarding the Church’s social responsibility to Africans.
Overall, there is an estimated 400 million Christians in Africa.
Pentecostals today represent about 12 percent, or about 107 million, of Africa's population, according to the World Christian Database. Charismatic members of non-Pentecostal denominations make up another 5 percent of the population, or about 40 million. The proportion of Pentecostals and Charismatics combined was less than 5 percent just over three decades ago.
Source: vyanzo mbalimbali vya habari

Pentecostal Church Report Warns of False Prophets

A major Pentecostal denomination released a paper Tuesday stating the church’s position on the apostolic movement that included a warning on false prophets.
The International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC), a 108-year-old traditional Pentecostal denomination with about 4.2 million members in 95 countries, states its commitment to the Word and the leadership of the Holy Spirit in its 21-page “Apostolic Biblical Statement and Practical Guidelines.”
“God is moving in these days with an emphasis on the apostolic anointing and the prophetic,” said Presiding Bishop James D. Leggett, in a statement. “The Apostolic Position Paper recognizes and provides for the exercising of apostolic leadership. Yet it gives a word of caution about false prophets. The balanced approach is good for the church today.”
The document covers three levels of the apostolic: Jesus Christ, the foremost apostle; the twelve apostles, the foundational apostles; and functional apostles, who functioned both in the scriptures and in the church today.
The role of apostles is to “plant the gospel in every culture worldwide” and to do it on the “base built by Jesus Christ, the foremost Apostle, and His foundational apostles,” the document stated.
“We recognize the ministry of functional apostles and bishops in church history as having a close resemblance,” the paper read. “We also recognize that false apostles appeared in the apostolic church as well as in the church history, and that we must remain alert to the continuing danger of these emissaries of Satan.”
Pentecostalism is one of the fastest growing segments of global Christianity with at least 500 million adherents worldwide. But along with its successful growth has come problems of false teachers who vow miraculous healing, promises of pending fortune in exchange for church donations that are used for their own personal wealth.
Many mainline Christian leaders in Africa have denounced false prophets who claim to be anointed Pentecostal preachers.
In the section titled, “Recognizing True and False Apostles,” the document states that there are false apostles, or people who are not appointed by God but rather “carnal men [who] usurped the role for their own glory.”
To distinguish true and false apostles, the document gave a list of characteristics of a true apostle that includes: ministers with total faithfulness to the writings and teachings of the foundational apostles; accept personal responsibility for the Lord’s Great Commission, even at great cost to themselves; continue to serve even when no one confers on them a title or recognizes their role; and are free from the love of money.
“The Apostolic Position Paper presents a sound Biblical foundation for both the historical and present day Apostolic Ministry,” said Rev. Ed Wood, Chairman of the Apostolic Commission. “The paper is the result of the International Pentecostal Holiness seeking to be Biblically based in its position regarding the current apostolic movement.”
In 2005, the denomination's General Executive Board, at the request of the General Conference delegates, commissioned seven denominational scholars and theologians to conduct a biblical/historical study of the role of apostle in the church today. The board also invited a representative from each of the denomination's 28 regional offices to participate.
The document was presented to the General Board of Administration, the highest governing body between General Conference sessions, and approved by the board on Oct. 30, 2007, with minor changes.
The document also includes practical guidelines for apostolic ministries and other current theological issues in the IPHC.
IPHC is a charter member of the National Association of Evangelicals, the Pentecostal World Conference, and was instrumental in creating the Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches of North America.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Four Christian Teachers Murdered in Somalia

On April 13, four Christian teachers, two of them converts from Islam, were murdered by Islamic militants in Beledweyne in south-central Somalia. The four teachers, two British citizens of Somali origin-Mr. Daud Hassan Ali (64) and Ms. Rehana Ahmed (32)-and two unidentified Kenyans, were shot and killed by Islamist insurgents during a midnight raid on the Hakab Private English School. The Islamic extremist group responsible for the violence, alleged that they fired indiscriminately and that the teachers were killed in crossfire. Local people, however, believe the teachers were singled out for their suspected evangelistic work. The wife of Daud Hassan Ali alleged that her husband was targeted because he was a Muslim-born convert to Christianity.
Pray the families of those killed will rest in the knowledge that those who die in the Lord will be raised with Him. Pray the perpetrators of this attack will come to repentance and salvation.
Pray for wisdom and protection for those serving Christ in Somalia.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4


H.Clinton kambwaga Obama in Pennsylvania

Seneta Hillary Clinton amemsinda Seneta Barak Hussein Obama huko Pennsylvania.
Majuzi wakati wanahojiwa na waandishi wa habari kuhusu msimamo wao kama Iran itaishambulia Israel Seneta Clinton alisema kuwa akiwa rais atahakikisha kuwa America inajibu mashambulizi kwa kipigo kikali kuiadhibu Iran.Lakini senator Hussein Obama alisema kuwa akiwa rais kama Iran itaishambulia Israel yeye ataangalia njia muafaka wakati huo.
Obama ni mwafrika mwenzetu tunapenda awe rais ila Clinton ameonyesha mwelekeo mzuri juu ya Israel.Ndio maana nawapenda republican kama akina G.Bush maana wao sera zao juu ya Israel zipo wazi kabisa kuwa atakayeigusa tu atapata kipigo kikali.Naona na bibi Hillary Clinton naye ameanza kuonyesha positive direction kuhusu hilo.
Hata hivyo ningependa Hussein Obama awe rais wa Marekani ila kuhusu Israel napenda kuona ameweka wazi sera zake.

Muslims, kindly read this first

Assalamu alaikum (Arabic language),
Shalom (Hebrews),
Peace be with you(Britain),
Amani iwe nanyi(Swahili) ,

Christians and Muslims disagree on the nature of God, salvation, prophets, the true Scriptures, etc. For the great majority of us on both sides, we will not change our views. You believe in Allah and Muhammad as his prophet. I am a Christian, saved by the grace of my Lord and Savior, Jesus. In obedience to Christ, and according to the Bible, I seek to expose error and teach the truth...and, respectfully, I do not think Islam is the truth. I say this outright so that no Muslim will accuse me of being deceptive or having a hidden agenda. My goal is to convert Muslims to Christ so they may find salvation in Him and to inform seekers about Islam as compared to the Bible and in so doing, turn them to Christ. However, please realize that I have no hatred for Islam, Muhammad, Muslims, or the Koran.

A Muslim never wronged me and I had no trauma as a child involving anything Muslim.I have some relatives, neighbors and friends whom are Islams. I mean no insult to you at all when I say that according to the Bible, I respectfully believe Islam is false. I know you disagree and perhaps you will take it as an insult or some form of persecution. I hope you do not. But, I am simply being faithful to my Lord Jesus in defending His truth as revealed in the Bible. I realize that there are many good Muslims in the world who are peaceful, honest, compassionate, and who desire to serve God in truth. I do not fault any Muslim for this. Likewise, I hope you will not find fault with my honest intention to do the same according to the convictions of my heart since I seek to serve God. Nevertheless, if I mistakenly misrepresent Islam on this site, I take full responsibility for it.

It is not my desire to produce a false image of Islam and then attempt to destroy the false image. I only ask that you let me know in what area I have erred (with documentation) and I shall do my best to correct it, within reason. I say “within reason” because a difference of opinion on a matter does not warrant a correction. But, if I have some error in facts, definition, dates, or doctrines of Islam, I would value being corrected. I do not seek to attack and call Muslims names or use emotional and poorly reasoned arguments as "proofs" for my position. Rather, I seek to know Islam truthfully, convey a factual and honest representation of it to readers, and, of course, to tackle what I consider are its errors. Therefore, these pages will be somewhat fluid in that they will be refined over time. My only desire is that you find the forgiveness of Jesus and the love of God that abounds in my heart and the hearts of His redeemed people.In short my desire is for you to be served (al-Najat)

To my side will be exciting time, i have to do by the grace of God, my calling is not to argue with Islams rather is to tell them the gopsel of Jesus. In the body of Christ my calling is to re-shape and purify the body of Christ. I am even against christians who claiming they are christian while not by their acts.

I may a respond to some questions which will be written honestly trying to know the truth.This articles follows afters some comments on the below posted articles regarding the differences between Jesus and Muhammad. For mature and wise enough you dont suppose to react and being furious, sit down digest, investigate, ask honetsly.

We were born with our religions, though no one can tell me the advantages of these religions in these world, Jesus he didnt brought any religion he brough salvation and by that we will see God only through Jesus.!!.Some one is Islam simply because his or her parents are Islams , some one is Christian simply because his/her parents are Christians!!!!! What the the silly is this?? we have to investigate and know the truth,once you know the truth YOU WILL BE FREE, NO PANIC NO REACTIONS FOR ANY ONE WHO WILL QUESTIONS YOUR BELIEFS, because you know from A-Z of it, my self i had to go against my parents(I love them I respect them) because i wanted to serve my soul!

Evaluate youself if you would have been born in other religion more than islam, how would you come to know that islams which your claiming good religion is realy good???

The followings website may act as reference and for serious readers may peruse and gain knowledge.
2. (hosted by Arabs )
3. hosted by Arabs)

Now a days Quran is online!!! no secret any more, the truth will be called by their names!

Oooh!! let this stick in your mind as time permit i will expose the false of ,Jehovah's Witnesses,Roman Catholicism,SDA .So this ambition is not for Islams, is for all false faiths.

STAY TUNED EVERY FRIDAY......................

Stay blessed, in the name of Jesus.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Siku moja nalikuwa kwenye ibada ndani ya kanisa mojawapo la Ki-Pentecoste hapo Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Siku hiyo akaja dada mmoja na nguo nzuri tu kwa namna yake. Kwa bahati mbaya sketi aliyovaa ilikuwa fupi na zaidi ya hayo kukawa na mpasuo kwa nyuma. Mpasua huo ulikuwa mushkeli kidogo kwa baadhi ya watu. Muda si muda wakati ibada ikiendelea Shemasi mmoja wa kike akamchoropoa yule dada toka ibadani na kumpatia kipande cha khanga ili walao kulinda staha. Sikuelewa kama nia ya yule dada ilikuwa ni kutumiwa na adui au kwake hilo halimkushtua.

Sasa leo katika soma soma yangu ya magazeti yetu nimekutana kisa kinachotaka kufanana na hicho. Ni pale baba paroko anapoamua kupiga marufuku uvaaji wa vivazi hivyo kanisani naam haswa wakati wa ibada kwa mintarafu kwamba vinawakwaza baadhi waumini.Hakuishia hapo ameenda hata kuruhusu kwa wadada hao kupewa huduma ya khanga pindi wanapogundulika kwamba vijivazi vyao, mhhh havina upako nyumbani mwa Mungu. Sasa sijui hizo khanga kama baada ya ibada wanazirudisha au ndo tuite muujiza kwao!

Nimekuwa nikijiuliza maswali mengi, kwani tunapotembea mjini hawa watu tunakutana nao, tukiwa makazini tunao wewe ni shahidi, mashuleni ndo wanafunzi usiombe hivyo vijisketi utadhani ni sehemu ya chini ya jezi ya Netiboli. Lakini huko kelele sio nyingi sana kama inapokuja swala la hawa watu kuingia kwenye masinagogi. Sasa niulize jamii tatizo liko wapi? Kuvaa hivyo "VIMINI" au watizamaji wamekuwa wakitazama mpaka kujiumbia taswira ambazo hazipo? Na kama kweli tunakwazika tukiwa kanisani, je tukiwa mashuleni, ofisini, na mitaani huko tunakuwaje? Tunachekelea na kukubaliana na hali hiyo au? Na hili swala limekuwa likilalamikia zaidi na wanaume sijajua nini msimamo wa akina mama, hebu naomba mjisemee je nanyi mnakwaza? Na nini kinawakwaza haswa hapo? Najiuliza hivi huu si udhaifu wetu wanaume kwa kutokujua kufumba macho na kuyapa nafasi mambo ambayo si ya muhimu kuvamia ufahamu wetu? Uko kanisani inaendelea badala ya kutafakari neno unamkodolea macho dada au mama wa watu, je huu ni uungwana? Ayubu anasema "...Nilifanya agano na macho yangu, Basi nawezaje kumuangalia msichana? (Ayubu 31:1) Na Yesu anasemaje; "...Amuangaliaye mwanamke kwa tamaa amekwisha kuzini nae moyoni mwake..." (M athayo 5: 28).

Nina maswali mengi kuliko majibu hebu na tushirikishane na kusaidiana katika hili ndugu zangu!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Wakina dada katika Huduma;
Bwana Yesu apewe sifa!!
Siku ya Ijumaa wiki iliyopita wakazi wa jiji la Arusha walishuhudia jambo la kihistoria na la kutia moyo katika shamba hili la Bwana tulilopewa kulilinda.
Ni siku ambayo mwandishi wa Sayuni alishuhudia dada mmoja akihubiri Neno la Mungu katikati ya Jiji hili la Arusha, tena pembezoni wa barabara kuu ya Moshi-Arusha na ile iendayo Nairobi. Dada huyu aitwaye Tunu ambaye anonyesha kuwa ni mkenya, ni dada ambaye kiumri bado ni mdogo ukilinganisha na watumishi wengine wenye ujasiri kama huo. Mwandishi wa blog hii alimshuhudia akihubiri habari za Yesu kwa uwazi kabisa karibu na kituo cha Florida hapa Arusha. Watu waliponywa na kufunguliwa kutoka katika vifungo vya giza. Watu wengi walikusanyika kumsikiliza dada huyu, hata kama vijana wa mjini baadhi yao walipuuzia na kukebehi, yeye hakujali, alifanya alichotumwa na Bwana Yesu. Mwandishi wa blog hii aliiona huduma ya dada huyu akiwa kwenye gari lakini alijisikia kushuka na kurudi kubarikiwa na huduma ya dada huyu.
Inaonyesha kuwa mtumishi huyu alialikwa kutoka Kenya na kanisa moja la hapa Arusha.
Jamani kina dada na wakina kaka wa hapa kwetu Tanzania, tupo wapi? Tupo wapi mpaka dada huyu ameitwa kutoka Kenya kuja kulisha shamba la Bwana hapa na sisi tunaangalia tuu? Tumewaachia kina-Mwakasege na wengineo mpaka kimezidi! Tunategea kwa kweli. Mimi nimetiwa moyo sana na ninawatia moyo vijana wenzangu, tukaze viuno vyetu, tukaifanye kazi ya Bwana.
“Yesu akamuuliza, Simon Petro, je wanipenda?.....akamwambia,”LISHA KONDOO ZANGU”

Mungu aketiye mahali pa juu awajaze nguvu kwa kusudi lake.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Mji wa Nazareti ukionekana hapo juu,mt 2:23, watu wengi walikuwa wakulima, Yesu na Josefu walikuwa maseremala, hivyo ilikuwa rahisi kufahamika. Jangwa la Yudea, linatukumbusha safari ya waisrael, Kujaribiwa kwa Yesu na maisha ya Yohana kuna wakati alikaa Jangwani.
MEGIDO,Armageddoni mahali ambapo vita ya mwisho itapiganwa, this is real, bible haijaficha kitu.
Hili si kaburi la YESU bali ni mfano wa kaburi la Yesu hata sasa yapo

Mfano wa mti aliopanda Zakayo wakati anataka kumwona Yesu ''live'' Yesu lipoingia nyumbani mwa Zakayo akasema ''wokovu umeingia nyumbani mwa Zakayo''

Be blessed


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mwinjilisti ablino akimbilia polisi kujiokoa asiuawe

POLISI mkoani Shinyanga linashikilia watu wawili kwa tuhuma za kutaka kumuua Mwinjilisti wa Kanisa la AIC, wilayani Bukombe ambaye ni albino, Wilson Maduhu (55).
Watuhumiwa ni Paul Suka (72) na Joyce Edward (27), wote wakazi wa Kijiji cha Lulembela na wanaendelea kuhojiwa kujihusiana na tukio hilo.
Tukio hilo linadaiwa kutokea kati ya Aprili 6 na 8, mwaka huu saa 4:00 usiku Kijiji cha Ibambula, wilayani Bukombe.
Inadaiwa kuwa, Aprili 6 watu wasiofahamika walifika nyumbani kwa mwinjilisti huyo, kuanza kugonga mlango na kusababisha bawaba moja kuvunjika na kwamba, familia iliposhtuka watuhumiwa walikimbia.
Pia, inadaiwa usiku wa Aprili 8, watu hao walifika tena nyumbani kwa Marco Luchapa, wakidhani Maduhu alikuwa amelala huko ambako inadaiwa kuwa, walibomoa dirisha la chumba kimoja cha mbele wakimtafuta kwa lengo la kumuua, lakini alikwenda kulala kwa Petro Nhilimbe.
Kufuatia hali hiyo, Maduhu baada ya kuona maisha yake yako hatarini, aliamua kutoa taarifa za tukio hilo Kituo cha Polisi Ushirombo na walifanikiwa kuwakamata watuhumiwa kutokana na ushirikiano wa wasamaria wema.
Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Shinyanga, Shaibu Ibrahim licha ya kuthibiisha kutokea kwa tukio hilo, alisema upelelezi ukibainisha watuhumiwa kuhusika watafikishwa mahakamani.
Ibrahim alitoa wito kwa wananchi kuepukana na mila potovu za ushirikina dhidi ya jamii ya albino na kuwataka kutoa taarifa polisi pale watakapoona mienendo yeyote wanayotilia mashaka
Source: Mwananchi

Injili ni uweza wa Mungu uletao wokovu...

Maelezo ya picha:
Picha ya kwanza:
Mtumishi wa Mungu Farouk mwenye asili ya kiasia anayetabasamu baada ya kumpa YESU maisha yake akiwa na mjoli wa Bwana, Mtade
Picha ya pili:
Mtumishi Komba wa Kibaha wa kwanza kushoto akiwa na mjoli wa Bwana,Mtade.Hapo ni baada ya kumpa YESU maisha yake.
Picha ya tatu:
Mtumishi Komba baada ya kumpokea Bwana YESU jana usiku maeneo ya Kariakoo.
Picha ya nne:
Mtumishi Komba akiwa na mtumishi mwenzake farouk wakiwa wenye furaha baada ya kumpa YESU maisha yao.
Jana jioni nikiwa katika pitapita yangu maeneo ya kariakoo katika utumishi huu nikaamua kujipumzisha makutano ya mtaa wa sikukuu na mkunguni ili nipate mishkaki na urojo.Kwa wale wenyeji wa kariakoo watakubaliana nami kuwa shehemu hizi za urojo wateja wakubwa ni ndugu zetu wahindi,waarabu,wapemba na watu wenye asili ya pwani.
Nilibahatika kuketi karibu na ndugu mmoja mwenye asili ya kiasia aliyekuja kujitambulisha kwangu kama ndg. Farouk anayeishi hapo kariakoo.Kama ilivyo ada yangu nikaamua kumshirikisha habari za YESU KRISTO wa Nazareth,haikunichukua muda na wala sikutumia nguvu nyingi maana nilimweleza upendo wa YESU ulivyo mkuu juu ya wanadamu.Ndipo ndg. Farouk akaamua kumpa YESU maisha yake (yaani akakubali kuokoka).Ikabidi nimwongoze sala ya toba mahali hapo hapo na baada ya maombi mafupi akawa mwenye furaha sana.
Nilipomaliza na mtumishi Farouk nikamgeukia ndg. mwingine aliekuwa anatushagaa wakati tukiomba na mtumishi Farouk.Huyu ndg anaitwa Komba na anaishi Kibaha mkoani Pwani.Yeye naye nikamweleza kuwa anapaswa kumpa YESU maisha yake.Kwanza aliniambia kuwa yeye hahitaji kuokoka maana yeye ni mkatholiki, nilipomweleza kuwa Biblia inasema kuwa wote wametenda dhambi na kupungukiwa na utukufu wa Mungu ndipo nilipomwona machozi yakimlengalenga na kusema kuwa yupo tayari kumpokea YESU pale pale.....glory to GOD...what a blessing is this...!I tell you it was fantastic....
Naye nikamwongoza sala ya toba na baada ya muda mfupi akawa ameokoka.
Natazamia kwenda Kibaha kesho kumtembelea mtumishi Komba na leo nitamtembelea mtumishi farouk ili nimpeleke mahali pa kuabudu hasa ikizingatiwa kuwa yeye alikuwa muislam kwa hiyo hata kanisani kwake ni msamiati mkubwa.
Naomba wana sayuni popote popote pale mlipo duniani muwaombee wapendwa hawa ili Mungu awatie nguvu waweza kuendelea na wokovu.
Nitaendelea kuwaletea shuhuda za matendo makuu Mungu anayofanya pale Bwana anaponipa kibali.



Jesus died and rose from the dead ,, Quran/Suras 355 andSuras 1933) Bible Matthew 27:27-28:10

Muhammad died and stayed dead. Died in Medina due to affects of pneumonia and poisoning at age 62.

Jesus never fought

Muhammad fought many many times

Hearing from God

When Jesus heard from God he went to the desert to be tempted and began his ministry with boldness, (Mark 1:14-15).

When Muhammad heard from God (supposedly through an angel) he cowered, was uncertain, and wanted to commit suicide (Quran 74:1-5)


Jesus claimed to be God (John 8:24; 8:58) as well as a man. Jesus claimed to be the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

Muhammad claimed to be a man.

Instructions Received

Jesus:From God the Father (John 5:19)

Muhammad:Allegedly from an angel


Jesus never killed anyone

Muhammad killed many


Jesus had the power to take life, but never did. He restored it.

Muhammad had the power to take it, but he never restored it.

Historical documented

No one ever died in Jesus' presence

Many people died in Muhammad's presence -- he killed them.


Jesus never married

Muhammad had over 20 wives and even married a nine year old girl.


Jesus received his calling from God directly (Matt. 3:17).
Jesus received his commission in the daylight

Muhammad allegedly received it from an angel (he claim to be Gabriel)
Muhammad received his words in the darkness of a cave.

Ministry Length

Jesus taught for 3 1/2 years

Muhammad taught for more than 20 years


Jesus performed many miracles including healing people, calming a storm with a command, and raising people from the dead.

Muhammad's only alleged miracle was the Quran.


Jesus fulfilled biblical prophecy about being the Messiah

Muhammad did not fulfill any biblical prophecy except the ones about false teachers (Matt. 24:24).


Jesus voluntarily laid his life down for others

Muhammad saved his own life many times and had others killed.


Jesus never sinned (1 Pet. 2:22)

Muhammad was a sinner (Quran 40:55; 48:1-2)


Jesus owned no slaves

Muhammad owned slaves.

Virgin Birth

Jesus was virgin born

Muhammad was not virgin born.

Voice of God

Jesus received and heard the direct voice of God (Mark 1:10-11)

Muhammad did not receive or hear the direct voice of God. It was an angel instead.


Jesus spoke well of women

Muhammad said women were were 1/2 as smart as men (Hadith 3:826; 2:541), that the majority in hell will be women (Had. 1:28,301; 2:161; 7:124), and that women could be mortgaged.


Mentioned in the Qur’an (97) ninety-seven times!!!!!!!!! and mentioned in the bible 1281 times!!!!!!!!

Mentioned in the Quran (25) twenty-five times!!!!never mentioned or even predicted in the bible!!!


There is no comparison between Jesus and Muhammad. Muhammad falls so far short, that he cannot be held on any level remotely close to Jesus. Muhammad is clearly inferior to Christ.

stay blessed in the name of Jesus.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

INDIA -Christians Attacked, Children Beaten for Distributing Bible Tracts

On April 2, pastors and members of the Manna Ministry in Krishnapuram, Andhra Pradesh, were beaten by a group of 20 Hindu extremists. According to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts, "Believers were returning from an evangelistic outreach when their car was stopped by the attackers. One of the ministry's leaders, Pastor Gopal, sustained serious injuries. The militants also tore up the Christians' evangelistic tracts." Ask God to heal Pastor Gopal. Meanwhile, on March 17, school children from Toopran School in Telungana Village, Andhra Pradesh, were threatened and beaten by Hindu extremists while they were distributing Bible tracts in the school compound. VOM contacts report, "A group of Hindu extremists stopped the school children from further distribution of tracts. The extremists beat the children and threatened them." Pray believers in Telungana Village will be encouraged and protected. Pray that Indian Christians will continue to share the gospel with boldness despite increased persecution. Ask God to use their testimonies to draw nonbelievers into fellowship with Him.
Acts 4:29-31

Kumbe hata NASA huwa wanakosea..!

A 13-year-old German schoolboy corrected NASA's estimates on the chances of an asteroid colliding with Earth, a German newspaper reported Tuesday, after spotting the boffins had miscalculated.
Nico Marquardt used telescopic findings from the Institute of Astrophysics in Potsdam (AIP) to calculate that there was a 1 in 450 chance that the Apophis asteroid will collide with Earth, the Potsdamer Neuerster Nachrichten reported.
NASA had previously estimated the chances at only 1 in 45,000 but told its sister organisation, the European Space Agency (ESA), that the young whizzkid had got it right.
The schoolboy took into consideration the risk of Apophis running into one or more of the 40,000 satellites orbiting Earth during its path close to the planet on April 13 2029.
Those satellites travel at 3.07 kilometres a second (1.9 miles), at up to 35,880 kilometres above earth -- and the Apophis asteroid will pass by earth at a distance of 32,500 kilometres.
If the asteroid strikes a satellite in 2029, that will change its trajectory making it hit earth on its next orbit in 2036.
Both NASA and Marquardt agree that if the asteroid does collide with earth, it will create a ball of iron and iridium 320 metres (1049 feet) wide and weighing 200 billion tonnes, which will crash into the Atlantic Ocean.
The shockwaves from that would create huge tsunami waves, destroying both coastlines and inland areas, whilst creating a thick cloud of dust that would darken the skies indefinitely.
The 13-year old made his discovery as part of a regional science competition for which he submitted a project entitled: "Apophis -- The Killer Astroid."

Source: Yahoo news

Askofu Kakobe na miujiza ya kuangusha watu

"Somo letu la leo ni jipya kabisa katika mfululizo wa vipindi vyetu ambavyo tumekuwa tukiwaletea ndugu watizamaji kwa njia ya TV. hapo kabla kwa kipindi kama cha miaka 5 tulikuwa tukifundisha watu kama watoto wachanga...Na tulikuwa tukikazia zaidi uokovu. watu waache Dhambi na kuokoka.tunaweza kuona kwamba mtoto mchanga anapozaliwa kwanza anapata maziwa...chakula laini laini halafu anavyo kuwa anaanza kupewa chakula kigumu.Mpendwa mtizamaji bila kupoteza muda hebu ungana nami katika kipindi chetu cha leo ambacho somo ni juu ya MIUJIZA YA KUANGUSHA WATU CHINI.
Miujiza nini nini?
Katika biblia tumekuwatukiona mambo mbalimbali ambayo huonyesha nguvu za Mungu na kadhalika.Mambo mengi yalifanyika kimiujiza, au tunaweza kusema Nguvu za Mungu.Lakini hivi leo kumeibuka neno jipya linaitwa UPAKO.Jambo hili siku hizi limekuwa maarufu sana ambapo tumeona likitumika kwa watu wanao fanya miujiza.mtu anasema anagawa upako...watu wanakwenda kwa mtumishi (Labda mwinigine atajiita hivi mwingine vile.)utaweza kuona watu wananyoosha mikono na kutamka maneno fulani fulani. mara POWER au utasikia TOUCH. Na... utaweza kuona watu wakianguka chini.jambo hili limekuwa likikuwa siku kwa siku hapa Tanzania na limekuwa likivitua watu wengi.utaweza kuona mtumishi anakmkumbatia mwanamke na kugusa matiti yake anasema anamuambukiza upako! jambo hili linatoka wapi.Kuna kitu hapa... Kuna kituuuuuuu!!!!!
Au mtu anamkanyaga mtu tumboni na kiatu anasema anamuombea,uchafu wa namna gani huu!!??Kuna msemo wa kiingereze unasema POWER MUST COME AFTER PURITY.
Au utakuta mtu anamtaja Mungu kama vile mjomba wake!!!
1.JOHN 4.
Lazma tujua kwamba kuna roho ya Kweli na roho ya upotevu[1] Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Sasa tunawezaje kuzijua roho hizi.Biblia inasema mtawatambua kwa matunda yao.utakuta watu hawa wanapofanya miujiza yao ya kuangusha watu. Huangusha kila mtu. wenye mapepo, wachungaji, wanakwaya, wote ambao ni wasafi. na utakuta mtu akiisha angushwa labda ndo waanasena wamemtoa pepo halafu baada ya maelezo fulani pale anaangushawa tena na tena.Roho gani ya Mungu iwaangushe wachungaji wa utakuta watu hawa hupenda kujiinua na kudai Mimi Mungu ameniambia anataka kunitumia kuliko mchungaji yeyote hapa tena tunaweza kuona jinsi watu wanavyo fanya mambo haya kama maonyeshowanafanya nguvu za Mungu UPAKO kuwa ni maonyesho kama sinemaili watu waje kuona na kuvutika maandiko yanasemaje kuhusu nguvu za MunguNguvu za Mungu hazuji kwa ajiri ya maonyeshotukiangalia Musa tunaona alipasua maji si kwa ajiri ya maonyesho ila tu kwa ajiri ya tatizo ambalo liliwafikana pia wale kware waliokuja kule jangwani ni kwa ajiri watu hawakuwa na jinsi kuhusu chakula.pia Mungu alitumia nguvu zake mbele ya Farao ili kuthibitisha kuwa yeye ndiye aliye ntuma Musa kwake.watu wamekuwa wakivutwa na hizi nguvu huku na huku.tusiishi kwa kuangalia Marekani.mwaka 1990 alikuja mtu kutoka marekani anajiita Nabii kufanya semina. tukaenda pale na mimi nilikuwa mmjo wa wale tuliokuwa pale jukwaani. sasa akaaanza hizo POWER...TOUCH huku akimyoosha mkono wake watu wanaanguka chini hata huku jukwaani kulikuwa na maaskofu na viongozi mbalimbali nao chini.akaanza kuwa kama ananisogelea nikasema (moyoni) haanguki mtu hapa, ntaanguka vipi sina pepo.mimi peke yangu ndo sikuanguka pale jukwaani
HIZI NGUVU ZINATOKA WAPI.Nakumbuka mwaka mmoja nilikuwa katika kufunga na kuomba.nikapata maono yakiniambia hivi. nenda kajiangalie kwenye kioo. nikaenda. halafu sauti ikaniambia weka mkono wako usoni nika weka kujitizama uso ukabadilika.halafu nikaonyeshwa watu kwenye kioo nikaona watu. nikaambiwa nyoosha mkono wako nikashosha watu wale wakaanguka, nikipeleka huku wanaanguka. nikaambiwa nitakuwa nambadili nyuso za watu.sasa nikaambiwa fanya mkutano ita viongozi mbalimbali halafu nataka ukaonyeshe nguvu zangukweli niakwaambia watu wakaandaa sehemu na ukumbi na watu wakaitwa wengine wakubwa kabisa na hata upinzani haukuwa mkubwa. mwaliko uliukuwa mkubwa.siku niliyotaka kwenda sasa, ghafla sauti nyororo ndogo ika niita na kuniambia KAA CHINI, Utapotea huko unakopelekwa si kwa ajiri ya kunitumikia mimi.niaahirisha na kuacha kabisa.leo hii watu wanavutwa na nguvu za upako na kupelekwapelekwa kusikojulikana na wengine wanatamani nao waangushwe.mwenye maonyeshpo ni shetani. alimpandisha Yesu Juu na kumuonyesha milk za Dunia.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama na H. Clinton wanasupport utoaji mimba

Jana nilikuwa nafuatilia mahojiano ya Faith Forum ya huko marekani.Nilisikitika sana kusikia kuwa wagombea wa Democratic Hilllary Clinton na Barak Obama wanasupport utoaji mimba (abortion).
Kwenye mdahalo huo wagombea hao walikuwa wakiulizwa kuhusu uhusiano wao na Mungu na mara ngapi wanasoma Biblia.Mgombea wa Repulblican McCain hakutokea kabisa na hatukuweza kuufahamu msimamo wake.Hata hivyo imezoeleka kwa miaka mingi kuwa Democratic mara nyingi wamekuwa wakiunga mkono vitendo vya ushoga na ndoa za jinsia moja pamoja na utoaji mimba na urutubishaji wa viini tete.
Itakumbukwa kuwa Rais George W. Bush amekuwa akipinga vikali uovu wote huo ambao Democratica wamekuwa wakiutetea.

Kwa mwelekeo huu naona ni heri Republican warudi tena madarakani japo ningependa Obama mwafirika mwenzangu awe Rais wa Marekani lakini kwa mtindo huu naona kama naanza kupunguza imani na hawa Democratic

Monday, April 14, 2008

Music is Important to the Lord!

Music Is Important To The Lord!

Music is so important that God's children have used it
for many purposes throughout history! In fact, they
not only played music & sang songs, but they recorded
them as well!--Not with the advanced methods we use
today, but in whatever ways they could, & you can read in
the Bible the recorded words of some of the earliest
Christian songs.

Moses was a singer & writer. David wrote a whole book
of songs, the Book of Psalms! Jeremiah wrote a song
now known as Lamentations. Hannah, the mother of Samuel,
wrote songs (1Sam.2), & Deborah & Barak sang a duet
before the Children of Israel! (Judges 5) The Lord even
used musical instruments to save His children from
their enemies, like the trumpets which caused the walls
of Jericho to fall (Joshua 6), & the Midianites to
flee from Gideon's meager army of 300 men. (Judges 7) You
can read all through the Bible how God's children
were constantly singing & making a "joyful noise unto the
Lord." (Psa.100:1) Even Jesus & His disciples sang
songs (Mat.26:30), & Paul exhorts that we should all
sing psalms & spiritual songs. (Col.3:16) John even heard
singing in Heaven--the song of Moses! (Rev.15:2,3)

So dear Sayuni visitors, "come, let us sing unto the Lord!" (Psa.95:1) we too, can bring down most of our great problems by just singing onto the Lord.
God bless you all

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dereck - Gospel Music Producer

Wengi wanamfahamu kwa jina la Dereck,Ni mmoja kati ya maprodyuza wa siku nyingi sana hapa nchini wa muziki wa injili.Mbali na uwezo wake mkubwa wa kutengeneza muziki na uchanganyaji mahili wa vyombo na sauti pia ni mpigaji wa vyombo vya muziki vya aina zote.Dereck ameanzia kazi ya muziki mkoani Mwanza miaka ya 80's na baadaye akahamia kanisa la EAGT mnazi mmoja.Wakati akifanya mahojiano na mlima Sayuni Dereck alimwambia mwandishi wetu kuwa kwa sasa anamtumikia Mungu kama mwalimu wa kwaya na mpiga muziki wa Faith Choir katika kanisa la Faith Word Church lililopo mnazi mmoja jijini Dar es salaam.Hivi sasa mtumishi Dereck amefungua studio yake binafsi inayoandaa na kutayarisha muziki wa injili inayopatikana maeneo ya mnazi mmoja.Anawakaribisha vikundi mbalimbali vya kwaya na waimbaji binafsi wa injili kumtembelea studioni kwake kwa huduma za bei nafuu na zenye ubora.
Unaweza kumpata +255-784-478340

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Bring Forth Fruits Meet For Repentance!"

"Bring Forth Fruits Meet For Repentance!"
True repentance is not just being sorry, it is "metanoia", Greek for a complete change of heart, mind & direction!Many people are always being sorry but never really changing--like King Saul! Poor Saul never learned! He apologized & was sorry many times, but he never repented, he never changed, he never turned & went the other way! Saul would break down & weep before the prophet, & he would break down & weep before David, but he didn't weep because he was repentant, he wept because he was sorry he was being caught! (1Sam.15:24-30) He wept because he was sorry over losing the kingdom, but he didn't really confess & forsake his sin, the evil root beneath the outer show. (Pro.28:13)Though King David also committed great sins, he had a great repentance--a genuine true change, & therefore God had a great forgiveness for him. He sought God's heart. (Psa.51) He really loved the Lord & he really wanted to glorify God & to please Him! In spite of all his sins & mistakes & blunders, the Lord loved David because he was willing to fight & die for Him!--And David went on to do a job for God in spite of all his sins!
Dear Sayuni visitors, I am encouraging you all to be more like David and never like Saul.
God bless you all as you continue bringing your friends to sayuni blog.Amen.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Injili ya Yona bado ipo..

Kamera yetu ya sayuni leo hii imemshuhudia mtumishi wa Mungu huyu akiendeleza upako wa injili ya Yona maeneo ya mtaa wa msimbazi kariakoo.Ujumbe mkuu uliobeba mahubiri yake ulikuwa ni "usiketi barazani pa wenye mizaha...tubuni na mwaminini Yesu muokoke..."

Mungu ambariki mtumishi huyu ambaye jina lake halikuweza kupatikana mara moja.


What a wonderful speech! Oohh! THAT'S MY KING!

Dini safi ni ipi?


Amani, Upendo na Faraja atoayo Kristo vikae nawe milele.
Siku ya Jumamosi ya tarehe 5 mwezi wa nne 2008 ilikuwa ni siku ya kipekee kwa wana-Fellowship wote wa ICF (Institute of Accountancy Arusha Christian Fellowship) kwa matukio ya huduma.
Hii ni siku ambayo wana-Fellowship hao wanaozidi 70, ambao ni wanafunzi wanaosoma masoma mbalimbali yahuso uhasibu na computer wakiongozwa na viongozi wao wa Fellowship waliungana kwa pamoja na kuamua kwenda kufanya huduma kwa wagonjwa waliolazwa katika hospitali ya mkoa wa Arusha na mwandishi wa Sayuni aliambatana nao kwa ajili ya huduma na pia kukuletea habari hizi.
Kikundi hiki cha watumishi wa Kristo kiliondoka hapa chuoni saa saba mchana kwa magari maalumu na kwenda hadi hospitali. Baada ya kufika walijigawa makundi makundi kulingana na idadi ya wodi zilizopo hospitalini pale na baada ya maombi ya pamoja, kazi hiyo ya Injili ilianza kama Neema za Mungu zilivyokuwa. Malengo makuu yalikuwa kuwatia moyo wale waliovunjika moyo, kuwaombea uponyaji kutoka kwa Mungu ,kuwaeleze habari za Yesu na kuwaleta kwake na mwisho kuwasaidia kwa mahitaji ya mwili.
Mungu alionekana sana katika hili, watumishi hawa waliweza kutembelea wodi zote, kufanya huduma ya maombezi na kuwasaidia wagonjwa katika mahitaji yao ya mwili, ikiwa ni mali na fedha taslimu kwa wahitaji. Mungu atukuzwe sana kwa sababu idadi kubwa sana ya wagonjwa wakiwemo wenzetu waislamu waliamua kumpa Bwana Yesu maisha yao baada ya kusikia Neno, ingawa wapo waislamu wachache waliokataa kabisa.
Kwa kweli wagonjwa wote walishukuru sana kwa huduma hii, na waliwasihi watumishi hao kuwatembelea sana.
Na kwa kweli hali tuliyoikuta huko ni ya kusikitisha mno, walikuwepo watu waliovunjika moyo sana, na pia wapo watu, hasa wazee waliotelekezwa na watoto na ndugu zao na kuachwa wenyewe hospitalini, hawana pesa wala chakula, hawana pa kwenda, kwa kweli inatia huruma sana. Kutokana na hali hii, tunawahimiza wapendwa kila mahali walipo kutilia maanani sana huduma hii, sasa tunaelewa ni kwa nini Biblia imesema kuwa hii ndiyo dini safi. Hima wandugu, tusiishie tuu madhabahuni kuhubiri upendo ,tuwafikie na wasiofikika na tunawasihi muwaombee hata wale waliookoka ile wadumu hadi mwisho.
Kitendo hiki cha wanafunzi hawa hakika chafaa kuigwa na wote wamngojeao Kristo, Mungu awabariki sana wafanikiwe katika masomo yao yote.